17%(NDHS 2018)
17%(NDHS 2018)

27%(by 2023)
27%(by 2023)


FP Chart
The blue bar shows the number of all facilities in the country that have at least one trained healthcare worker in FP as of the most recent month.
The red bar shows the number of facilities with an FP-trained healthcare worker that reported and dispensed at least one FP commodity in the most recent month.
The yellow bar shows the number of facilities with an FP-trained healthcare worker that reported in the most recent month and that were stocked out of any FP commodity for seven consecutive days in that month.
Contraceptive Technology Update comprises all FP trainings including LARC, and PostPartum Family Planning.
LARC Chart
The blue bar shows the number of all facilities in the country that have at least one trained healthcare worker in LARC as of the most recent month.
The red bars show the number of facilities with a LARC-trained healthcare worker that reported and dispensed at least one LARC commodity in the most recent month.
The yellow bar shows the number of facilities with a LARC-trained healthcare worker that reported in the most recent month and that were stocked out of implants and IUDs.
Trained HW: Active Provider
The blue bar shows the number of all facilities in the country that have at least one trained healthcare worker in FP as of the most recent month.
The red bar shows the number of facilities with an FP-trained healthcare worker that reported and dispensed at least one FP commodity in the most recent month.
The yellow bar shows the number of facilities with an FP-trained healthcare worker that reported in the most recent month and that were stocked out of any FP commodity for seven consecutive days in that month.
Contraceptive Technology Update comprises all FP trainings including LARC, and PostPartum Family Planning.
LARC Chart
The blue bar shows the number of all facilities in the country that have at least one trained healthcare worker in LARC as of the most recent month.
The red bars show the number of facilities with a LARC-trained healthcare worker that reported and dispensed at least one LARC commodity in the most recent month.
The yellow bar shows the number of facilities with a LARC-trained healthcare worker that reported in the most recent month and that were stocked out of implants and IUDs.
Trained HW: Active Provider
The red line shows the percentage of reporting facilities that consumed at least one FP commodity in the given month.
The blue line shows the percentage of reporting facilities that consumed at least one implant or IUD in the given month.
Together, these lines illustrate the gap between the availability of LARC services and short-acting FP services and whether this is improving over time.
The blue line shows the percentage of reporting facilities that consumed at least one implant or IUD in the given month.
Together, these lines illustrate the gap between the availability of LARC services and short-acting FP services and whether this is improving over time.
This chart shows stock out rates over time at facilities that have provided any FP services in the past.
This is the percentage of facilities that have provided any FP coomodities in the last six months that were stocked out of any FP commodity in the reporitng cycle